


  More and more interviews are being done via the Internet by way of your webcam(网络摄像头) and they are growing in popularity because they save employers both time and money.Yet,due to the unfamiliar aspects of interviewing virtually,these types of communications can be especially challenging for job-seekers.Here are some key tips that will help you prepare to present yourself at your best.

  1.Make certain you are comfortable with the technology.Prepare and practice with an"interview friend"several times to find what you lack(缺乏) before your interview.You'll want to become familiar with the various technical aspects of virtual interviews so that you can present yourself with confidence in the real interview.

  2.Be sure your background is professional(专业的) and tidy.An untidy setting will give the impression that you're disorganized and unprofessional.So be certain to have your computer set up in an area where the background is as businesslike as possible.Also,make sure that your selected area is free from any possible noise or interruptions.

  3.Eye contact can be skillful.This requires practice because most people first focus on the activity being displayed on their own computer screens.It makes you look inattentive.You'll need to train yourself to stare at the camera.It's helpful to think of yourself as a television reporter and recognize that the camera represents your audience.

  4.Watch your body language.Besides eye contact,there are some extra challenges to one's body language.Be careful not to raise your shoulders or put your head down over your computer screen.Remember to keep your body open,and try to make your gestures as natural as possible.

  21.The interviews via the Internet are popular because___.

  A.they are fashionable and challenging.

  B.they save employers time and money. is an easier way to find good employees.

  D.job-seekers can find a good job easily through it

2020-08-14 19:44

  21.B细节理解题.根据句子they are growing in popularity because they save employers both time and money,可以节省时间和钱,所以答案选B.

  22.A细节理解题.根据句子 so that you can present yourself with confidence in the real interview这样你就可以在真实的面试中表现出自信,所以答案选A.

  23.A细节理解题.根据句子So be certain to have your computer set up in an area where the background is as businesslike as possible可见让背景尽可能地井然有序是受欢迎的,所以B选项是正确的;根据句子try to make your gestures as natural as possible是尽可能的自然,所以B选项不正确;根据句子You'll need to train yourself to stare at the camera看镜头是需要的,所以C选项不正确;根据句子Besides eye contact,there are some extra challenges to one's body language,除了眼睛肢体语言也是挑战,可见D选项不正确,故答案选A.


2020-08-14 19:46:07







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