


  When I was ten,my sisters and I were amazed at our neighbor's Christmas tree.We decided we must have one of our own.In our house we never had enough money for a Christmas tree.

  In fact,we insisted so much that my father had no choice but to agree."Yes!"he finally said."This year we will have a Christmas tree."Our mouths dropped open at the thought of having our own tree.Then Dad said,"I'll do it myself."

  We followed him around the house as he gathered up the materials he would need,we all sat close to him,carefully watching everything he did.He passed the thread around the first nail on the corner of a box,then back down to the second nail on the box,and up again to the nail,until right there before our eyes a green Christmas tree began to take shape.He carefully did the same with all of the 50nails in the box and when he had finished he said,"Now you can decorate it."

  The decorations were red and small and to us they just looked so beautiful and perfect for our tree.When we finished decorating it,we proudly invited all our friends over to see our Christmas tree.We were so happy,not only because it looked so pretty,but because my father had made it himself.It truly was the most beautiful Christmas tree we had ever seen.

  Years later,things got better and Dad was able to buy a proper Christmas tree.However,my sisters and I will never forget the night when we got our first Christmas tree.

  54.According to the passage,we know that the writer___.

  A.had lots of friends at school.

  B.knew little about the neighbors.

  C.lived a hard life at a young age.

  D.seldom saw beautiful green trees.

  55.How did the writer and her sisters feel when their father decided to make a Christmas tree?___

  A.Excited B.Doubtful C.Sad D.Worried

  56.The third paragraph mainly describes___.

  A.why they followed their father

2020-12-19 07:28


2020-12-19 07:30:34







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