


  "You'll have to take care of the baby today,"a woman told her husband."I'm feeling a little ill."

  "Then you must stay in bed and rest,dear,"her husband said."I'll be happy to look after our baby."

  "Thank you.I'll have a quiet day and I'll soon get better,"his wife told him.

  "Shall I do the shopping for you as well?"her husband asked.

  She was very happy and said,"That will help me a lot.I'll give you a list of things to buy."She wrote out the list and gave it to him.

  "You can put the baby in the shopping cart,then you won't have to leave him outside."

  The man took the baby to the supermarket and put him in the shopping cart.Then he pushed the shopping cart along the rows of things to buy and looked for those on his list.

  At first everything was well,but then the baby began to cry.Then he started to scream(尖声叫喊).

  And scream!And scream!

  "Keep quiet,George,"the man said."Don't get excited.Don't shout,George.Don't lose your temper(脾气),George."

  A woman in the supermarket heard him saying these things.She walked up to him.

  "I think you're wonderful."she said,"You're so patient with your little George."

  "Madam,"the man said,"I'm George.He's Edward."

  39.Why did the man take care of the baby?___

  A.Because it was his turn.

  B.Because his wife was not well.

  C.Because his wife was in bed all day.

  D.Because he always looked after the baby.

  40.Why did the man take the baby to the supermarket?___

  A.Because he had to go shopping.

  B.Because he wanted to teach the baby to do some shopping

  C.Because he wanted to give the baby a ride in a shopping cart.

  D.Because he wanted to stay with the baby all the time.

  41.What did the baby do in the sup

2020-12-30 01:25


  39题答案:B考查细节题,根据文中的You'll have to take care of the baby today,"a woman told her husband."I'm feeling a little ill"今天你得照顾孩子,"一个女人对丈夫说,"我觉得有点不舒服可知她病了,不舒服,故答案是B.

  40题答案:A考查细节题,根据文中的Shall I do the shopping for you as well?"her husband asked.She was very happy and said,"That will help me a lot可知丈夫问:"我也替你买东西吗?".她很高兴地说:"这会对我有很大帮助,故答案是A.

  41题答案:D考查推理判断题,根据文中的At first everything was well,but then the baby began to cry.Then he started to scream(尖声叫喊).And scream!And scream!起初一切都很好,但是宝宝开始哭了.然后他开始尖叫尖叫!尖叫!可知由于不停的叫喊,制造了噪音,故答案是D.

  42题答案:C考查细节题,根据文中的"Keep quiet,George,"the man said."Don't get excited.Don't shout,George.Don't lose your temper(脾气),George."I'm George"保持安静,乔治,"他说,"不要激动,不要喊叫,乔治.不要发脾气,乔治."及最后说我最乔治可知应该是对它自己说保持安静,故答案是C.

2020-12-30 01:27:06







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