青少年该不该自己做决定英语作文
青少年该不该自己做决定英语作文
青少年该不该自己做决定英语作文
青少年该不该自己做决定英语作文
ShouldstudentssurftheInternet?
TodayourclasshadaheateddiscussionaboutwhetherweshouldsurftheInternetornot.The
following
isour
discussion.(Our
discussion
is
asfollows
.)
60percentofstudentsthinkthatit’sgoodfor
students
to
surf
the
net.
First
of
all,
Internet
can
provide
us
with
a
great
diversity
of
interestinginformation.
Moreover,
Internetcan
help
us
to
broaden
our
horizon
,
improve
our
communication
skills
and
make
us
keep
on
knowing
theoutsideworld.
However
,
there
are
40%
of
the
students
who
disagreewithit.Intheiropinion,Internethas
some
disadvantages.
For
example,
if
you
spend
too
much
time
on
the
net,
it
will
do
greatdamageto
youreyeswhich
arelikelyto
be
weakened.
Furthermore
,
you
tend
to
be
mentallyaddictedto
playingonlinegamesfor
theyarevery
attractive
.
Ofcourse,everycoinhastwosides.AsfarasI
am
concerned,
theInternet
is
of
great
use
for
students
to
deal
with
their
study.
It’s
Ok
to
leave
theInternet
on
solongasweareusingit
forourstudy,ifnot,turnitoff!So,Ithink
itis
due
to
the
correct
use
of
the
Internet
that
we
can
livea
healthyandmeaningful
life
.