



2016-05-31 20:05

  2012年高考英语完形填空考前训练-12(附详解)People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the ___1___ it is to do so, in theory it is that, ___2___, in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability to practise some essential ___3___ of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work ___4___. So spending money to help ___5___ learn English may ___6___ with disappointment. It is likely that the more you ___7___, the more you are let down.The daughter of one of my friends ___8___ English in primary school, ___9___ her foreign teacher’s blindness ___10___ psychology. She did not want to go on ___11___ English until middle school, ___12___ a college student studying in English slowly ___13___ her interest in the language.It is better to have the child learn Chinese, than to have some difficulty ___14___ learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education, ___15___ find that despite their excellent ___16___, many students have ___17___ command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children ___18___ classical Chinese prose, rather than ___19___ them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may ___20___ the best time to improve the language ability of their mother tongue.(www.yygrammar.com)1.A.easy B. difficult C. easier D. more difficult2.A.but B. however C. though D. yet3. A. opinions B. regards C. requests D. expressions4.A.directly B. orally C. properly D. indirectly5.A.people B. girls C. children D. boys6.A.begin B. start C. finish D. end7.A.pay B. get C. buy D. take8.A.loved B. liked C. disliked D. learned9.A.because of B. because C. instead of D. instead10.A.of B. at C. in D. to11.A.learning B. to learn C. with learning D. for learning12.A.while B. where C. when D. as13.A.introduced B. practised C. explained D. developed14.A.in B. to C. at D. of15.A.He B.I C. She D. They16.A.pronunciation B. phrase C. language D. writing17.A.few B. less C. little D. fewer18.A.write B. do C. remember D. memorize19.A.have B. let C. cause D. make20.A.get back B. let go C. bring in D. go away[1][2]下一页 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~【答案与解析】1. C。由上文暗示可预期:理论上说,一个人越早学语言,他(她)会越容易学好。“The +比较级,the+比较级”表示“越来越……”。C、D为可选项,而D意不符,故选C。2. B。考查转折连词的使用区别。but连接句子时其后不可用逗号;however前后可用逗号隔开;though常放于句末;yet与but相似,故选however。3. D。根据上下文暗示可预期:练习语言的基本表达能力……,A、B、C都不符和句意,故选expressions表达。4. A。由上下文提示可预期:直接通过合适的阅读方法和努力,才能形成能力,而orally意为“口头”;properly意为“合适地”,因上文已出现proper reading ways,故有重复之嫌;indirectly意为“间接地”;故选directly(直接地)。5. C。由上下文可预期,谈论的对象即是children孩子。6. D。由上下文可预期:先是花钱去学,而后是失望收场。A、B与句意不合,finish不与up with搭配,end up with意为“以……结束”。7. A。根据句意可预期:付(花)钱多,失望大。take常用在结构:it takes sb some time / money to do sth 花某人时间或钱做某事;B、C与句意不符。8. C。由上下文暗示可预期:因为不喜欢才来了一位学英语的大学生,从而开发了她的兴趣;故选disliked不喜欢。其他不符。9. A。因为外籍教师对心理学的盲点,才导致她厌学。because和because均表示“因为”,但前者为连词,后者为介词;instead of是介词;instead是副词。故用because of。10. D。介词to 意为“对……而言(来说)”。11. A. go on doing指继续不停地做同一件事;go on to do指继续去做另一件事;go on with sth 指停顿后接着去做同一件事;D为干扰项,故选lear

2016-06-02 12:38:41







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