



2016-05-27 04:36

  2012年高考英语完形填空考前训练-13(附详解)“Mum, I want to make you a bet,” I said. “If I go a whole year without TV, will you give me a hundred dollars?”“Well, if you can ___1___ do it, …”“Of course I can,” I replied, ___2___ to convince myself.___3___, all this started from my ___4___ of a picture in the newspaper. I couldn’t bear to look at that boy, ___5___ to have gone one year without TV for a hundred dollars, staring at me with mocking(嘲笑的) eyes. He seemed to ___6___ at me! “I did it, ___7___ you can’t!” he said. I___8___ at the boy’s face.That year I did a lot of things. ___9___, my father taught me to ski, which became my favourite sport. Many winter afternoons snowball wars with my neighbours ___10___ daily drama. I went on bike trips with my friends and ___11___ as much as a fish.It was unbelievable how much ___12___ I had without TV. I learned so many new games. I guess the biggest thing I learnt, ___13___, was self-motivation(上进心).I started to do my___14___. I went from a D student to an A student within a couple of weeks.I___15___ hate reading if there were no___16___, but now I began to read and enjoy it. I could___17___ all the pictures just the way I wanted them—my own little___18___, right inside my head!I’m___19___ what I did. I got a lot more from the ___20___ than just the 100 dollars!(www.yygrammar.com)1. A. only B. really C. occasionally D. finally2. A. trying B. advising C. needing D. asking3. A. However B. What’s more C. As a result D. In fact4. A. joy B. disbelief C. anger D. curiosity5. A. managed B. expected C. said D. had6. A. glare B. laugh C. come D. shoot7. A. and B. but C. or D. besides8. A. wondered B. glanced C. glared D. looked9. A. Worse still B. Such as C. For example D. In place10. A. replaced B. formed C. offered D. joined11. A. ran B. swam C. breathed D. jumped12. A. difficulty B. knowledge C. fun D. trouble13. A. though B. but C. luckily D. even14. A. washing B. shopping C. sports D. homework15. A. came to B. used to C. stopped to D. happened to16. A. pictures B. explanations C. plots D. praises17. A. draw up B. arrange off C. make up D. find out18. A. TV B. books C. work D. drama19. A. surprised at B. interested in C. proud of D. changed by20. A. experience B. bet C. incident D. picture[1][2]下一页 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~【答案与解析】本文讲的是作者与母亲打赌,一年之内不看电视。这对原本很喜欢看电视的“我”来说简直是不可思议的事。不过那年“我”真的做到了,而且也有了很大变化:“我”由一个经常不及格的学生变成了一个优秀的学生,由原来不爱看书变成现在喜欢看书。1. B。上文提到“我”与母亲打赌,根据语境可看出妈妈对“我”戒掉看电视的习惯还有些怀疑。2. A。从下文谈到报纸上的那个男孩及“我”的感受来看,“我”在回答妈妈的话时,想极力表现出自信,故用 trying(分词短语作状语)。3. D。前面说男孩与妈妈打赌,此处通过 in fact 引出打赌的原因,即与妈妈打赌事实上是由报纸上的一则图画引起的。4. C。从后面的小男孩嘲笑的眼神等可推测,报纸上的那幅画让“我”感到气愤。5. C。上文说“我”通过读报获悉一男孩因为一年没看电视而得到 100美元的故事,此处是对这种情况的具体展开。由于逗号前没有连词,故此处用过去分词,即用 said 作定语,相当于 who was said to have gone one year without TV…6. B。由上文 …staring at me with mocking eyes 可推测,此处填 laugh才在语意上保持一致。laugh at 意为“嘲笑”,glare at 意为“盯着”,come at意为“向……扑去”,shoot at 意为“向……开枪”。7. B。前面说“我做到了”,与后面的 you can’t 构成转折关系,故用 but。8. C。前面说“我”好像被那男孩嘲笑了,心里非常生气,故用 glare才能在语意上与其

2016-05-30 18:39:46







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