



2016-06-03 12:56

  高考英语时态考题专练1. We ______ according to the amount of work we do. A. payB. will payC. will be paying D. will be paid2. They haven’t arrived yet but we ______ them at any moment.A. are expected B. have expectedC. are expecting D. will expect3. We ______ to see you, but it rained. A. would come B. had comeC. were coming D. came4. I ______ for five minutes; why don’t they come? A. am calling B. calledC. was calling D. have been calling5. I ______ your last point — could you say it again?A. didn’t quite catch B. don’t quite catchC. hadn’t quite catchD. can’t quite catch6. We _____ to move but are still considering where to go to. A. are deciding B. decidedC. have decided D. had decided 7. I tried to phone her, but even as I ______ she was leaving the building. A. phoned B. would phoneC. had phoned D. was phoning8. “I suppose you ______ that report yet?” “I finished it yesterday, as a matter of fact.”A. didn’t finish B. haven’t finished C. hadn’t finishedD. wasn’t finishing9. “What’s her name?” “I ______.”A. forget B. forgotC. had forgotten D. am forgetting 10. I ______ quite get what you said; would you speak a little louder? A. don’t B. can’tC. didn’t D. won’t11. “The phone is ringing.” “______ it.” A. I’m going to get B. I’ll getC. I get D. I’ve got12. I left my pen on the desk and now it’s gone; who ______ it? A. took B. has takenC. will take D. had taken [1][2]下一页 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~13. It’s good that we ______ to the park because it’s started to rain.A. don’t go B. hadn’t goneC. didn’t go D. wasn’t going14. You’ll never guess who I met today — my old teacher! We ______ for 20 years. A. didn’t meet B. haven’t metC. don’t D. couldn’t meet15. I think you must be mistaken about seeing him at the theatre; I’m sure he ______ abroad all week. A. is B. wasC. has been D. had been16. His illness was much more serious than we ______. A. think B. thoughtC. had thoughtD. have thought17. “Have you ever eaten snails?” “No, and I hope I ______.”A. will never B. never willC. have never D. never have18. I’ll come after the meeting if time _______. A. permits B. is permittingC. is permitted D. has permitted19. I feel sure I ______ her before somewhere.A. was to meet B. have metC. had met D. would meet20. You ______ your turn so you’ll have to wait. A. will miss B. have missedC. are missing D. had missed21. Look at that little boy wandering about — perhaps he ______ his mother.A. will lose B. is losingC. had lost D. has lost22. He didn’t sell half as many computers as he thought he _______.A. had B. wouldC. was D. sold 23. I missed what was happening because I ______ very closely. A. hadn’t watched B. didn’t watchC. haven’t watchedD. wasn’t watching24. Dear me! Just ______ at the time! I ______ no idea it was so late.A. look, have B. looking, hadC. look, had D. looking, have 【参考答案】www.nmet168.com1—5 DCCDA 6—10 CDBAC 11—15 BBCBC 16—20 CAABB 21—24 DBDCwww.nmet168.com

  上一页[1][2] 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~

2016-06-07 03:53:52







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