吴尊拍电影很敬业 -查字典问答网




2016-05-22 20:11

  Wu Zun: a Devoted PlayerBased on the tragic love story between Liang Shanbo(梁山伯) and Zhu Yingtai(祝英台), Jian Die or Butterfly Lovers(《剑碟》) is provided with some martial elements. In this new film, the names of the hero and heroine are changed to Liang Zhongshan(梁仲山) and Zhu Yanzhi(祝言之) to distinguish it from the old version. They are acted by Wu Zun(吴尊) and Cai Zhuoyan(蔡桌妍) respectively.Director Ma Chucheng(马楚成) says that he always likes the tragic but beautiful love story between Liang and Zhu. But he thinks that it is a pity that Liang is too weak and incompetent. So, in the film, he creates a different type of hero who is good at martial arts(武术), with which he can try to win his love bravely.Wu Zun says that it is not only the first film but also the first action film in which he has played a role. So it is very challenging. In its shooting(拍摄), Wu often volunteered to act by himself, but the director thought that the actions were so dangerous that a stunt man(特技替身演员) had to be used. To this, Wu replied casually, “I don’t care. My broker(经纪人) is not here.” In one scene, the hero had to jump from the third floor. A stunt man had already done that. But upon Wu’s repeated request, the director had to permit him to act it again.Not long ago, Ella from S.H.E, a female singing group in Taiwang, said that she had fallen in love deeply with an actor when they cooperated in an idol drama(偶像剧) . People outside the entertainment circle understood the actor as Wu Zun, but he dismissed the saying with laughter. For this, Ella’s fans accused him of being a heartless lover(负心汉), which greatly hurt Wu.【附:中文大意】吴尊拍电影很敬业电影《剑蝶》以梁山伯与祝英台的故事为蓝本,新增武侠元素。为了彰显区别,梁祝故事中的梁山伯、祝英台改名为“梁仲山”“祝言之”,分别由吴尊、蔡卓妍出演。导演马楚成表示,他向来喜爱“梁祝”这个凄美的爱情故事,但总嫌梁山伯过于懦弱,因此在《剑蝶》中创造一个会武功的“梁仲山”,让他勇敢地去争取自己的爱情。吴尊透露,《剑蝶》是他的第一部电影,又是第一部动作片,十分具有挑战性。拍戏时,他常主动向导演请缨,导演觉得动作太危险要用替身,他则轻描淡写道:“没关系,我的经纪人不在。”有一场戏要从三楼高的地方跳下,程小东已经找替身拍好了镜头,却被吴尊缠得只得让他自己再跳一次。 不久前台湾女子组合S.H.E成员Ella自爆,曾与合作拍摄偶像剧的某位男演员,有过刻骨铭心的恋情,外界将矛头指向吴尊。不料吴尊选择以大笑的方式撇清关系后,却遭来Ella的粉丝严厉痛批,骂他是“负心汉”,令吴尊很受伤。


2016-06-01 20:49:58







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