王宝强的传奇 -查字典问答网




2016-05-21 05:10

  Wang Baoqiang’s Legendary SuccessWang Baoqiang (王宝强) is now well-known for his story as a self-made (独立奋斗) man. He was once a migrant worker from the countryside, who did a part time job in a construction company and acted as an amateur actor for films at the same time. Now he has become one of the most popular actors in China. In the Spring Festival Gala (春节联欢会) of 2007, he sang The Song of Migrant workers (《农民工之歌》), which has made him a recognized spokesperson of the 200 million workers from the rural areas. He has been invited to act as the image representative of Migrant Workers Aid Fund under China Red Cross and the messenger of Aids Prevention Campaign among Migrant Workers organized by UN labor agency. Therefore, he will do some charitable work this year.Mr. Wang began to learn martial arts (武术) at the age of 6. From 8 to 14 years old, he became a secular disciple (俗家弟子) in Shaolin Temple located in Song Shan, Henan Province (河南嵩山少林寺) . Then he began his career in Beijing by acting as amateur martial players. This ordinary-looking boy seemed to be very lucky. When he was 16, he was chosen by Director Li Yang (李扬) to play the hero in the film named Blind Shaft (《盲井》) , which won him the Gold Horse Prize for the Best New Artist (金马奖最佳新人) . In 2004, he played a part in A World without a Thief (《天下无贼》) as a film to celebrate the new year. He became very famous for his simple personality and unique luck. In 2006, he successfully played the major role of Xu Sanduo (许三多) in the TV series Soldier Sortie (《士兵突击》), in which he fully displayed his acting talent, leaving a deep impression in the audience. 【附:中文大意】王宝强的传奇从一边在建筑队做短工一边做群众演员的民工,到内地一线人气演员,王宝强的传奇经历,成为了一段个人奋斗史的佳话。而今年春晚的一首《农民工之歌》,更是让他成了两亿中国农民工的代言人。王宝强现在不仅被中国红十字会下属的“农民工援助基金”邀请担任形象大使,也被联合国劳工组织聘为“预防农民工艾滋病”大使,所以他今年会配合这两个头衔来进行一些慈善的活动。王宝强6岁开始练习武术,8岁至14岁在河南嵩山少林寺做俗家弟子,之后来到北京闯天下,在各个剧组当武行做群众演员。命运似乎很眷顾这个看上去普普通通的孩子,16岁时,王宝强被导演李扬挑中,主演独立电影《盲井》,这部电影让他一夜之间从武行变成金马奖最佳新人。 2004年参演冯小刚贺岁剧《天下无贼》,名声大噪,其朴实的个性和独特的幸运赢得很多人的关注。2006年,王宝强主演30集电视连续剧《士兵突击》,成功地塑造了“许三多”这个角色,其自然的表演才能在这部剧集中得到充分的展现,给人们留下深刻印象,并赢得了广大电视观众的喜爱。


2016-05-25 21:52:47







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